The shooter carried his weapon from his vehicle into the altercation. The local sheriff says the shooter is "not at fault."
Evidence gathered by investigators of the fatal shooting of an apparent burglar by a Helena-area homeowner Wednesday so far matches the account given by the shooter, according to Lewis and Clark County Sheriff Leo Dutton.
Dutton confirmed that the shooter and homeowner is James Stiffler, 66.
“Right now there’s nothing to indicate that the details provided by Mr. Stiffler are not accurate,” Dutton said Thursday afternoon, shortly after meeting with Stiffler.
Stiffler was defending himself and his property. He tracked down the deceased and didn't call the police until after the miscreant was fatally wounded.
Dutton said Stiffler brought the weapon into the house from his car.
He declined to indicate the type of firearm, number of shots fired or various other details about the encounter, but said he believed Stiffler was not at fault in the shooting.
He said Stiffler has been extremely cooperative with investigators.
“I’ve known him for quite some time and he’s an upstanding person,” Dutton said. “He’s not taking it lightly.”
Would somebody please tell our illustrious President that jumping on a person and beating on them, casing homes for burglary (Trayvon Martin had a burglary record that was buried from prosecution and public view by the juvenile justice system) and actual burglary are acts that expose the perpetrator to grievous harm, up to and including death. It has nothing to do with race.
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Meanwhile in Detroit, the city Obama brags that he saved from bankruptcy, the need for self protection and self defense is going down like this.
Public services are near collapse because of repeated budget cuts. Crime has been at elevated levels for a prolonged period. Recent figures show that about 40 per cent of street lights do not work. Only a third of ambulances are in service because maintenance funds have been slashed.
“Nothing – nothing works in this city,” said Sheila Cockrel, who spent 16 years serving on Detroit City Council. Since stepping down in 2009, she has been teaching at Wayne State University. “It takes 58 minutes for a police car to come if they accept your call,” she added. “The only calls they accept are if there’s a gun and they believe you’re not lying when you say it. In my middle-income neighbourhood, we pay a private security service ... Once I was in my house at three o’clock in the afternoon and three young men tried to break in. The first call I made? Threat Management.”
Ms Cockrel is referring to Threat Management Centre, a private security company which operates from a black building near the Detroit River waterfront. It is among the many private firms that some residents have resorted to as the city struggles to provide adequate services. Founded in the mid-1990s by Dale Brown, known to his staff as “Commander Brown”, Threat Management’s client roster has 1,000 homes and 500 businesses.
Mr Brown’s men and women are kitted out in military-style trousers, black T-shirts, protective vests and badges. The “Commander”, who began by training locals to protect themselves before founding his company, drives around in a black Hummer 4x4. Threat Management Centre’s personnel are known as “Vipers”, an acronym, Mr Brown told The Independent, for “Violence Intervention Protective Emergency Response System”.
President Obama, we don't need and won't heed your advice, we abhor your leadership and we resent your dictates. You are a phony, a liar and lout. Cut out the crap and leave us alone.